Currently, there are about 140 members in LaBS. Many of them are employed by Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center. Other members are
from University of Latvia, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and a few
other research institutions, as well as some non-residential scientists.
Why become a LaBS member?
LaBS members automatically become members of FEBS and therefore have access to all FEBS organized events and are eglible for FEBS financial resources including various kinds of short- and long- term stipends.
The same applies to IUBMB organized events and financial resources.
How do I become a LaBS member?
It is all very easy. Anyone who is studying or performing research in biochemistry-related area and has connection with some Latvian research institution, company or university is welcome! All you have to do
is to download and fill in the attached Membership card and send it via e-mail to LaBS ( Currently there is no annual fee for membership, but this might change in future.